Are there integration costs to work with Commercial-Off-The-Shelve (COTS) lists?
There are no integration costs as Commercial-Off-The-Shelve (COTS) lists are already mapped to Screena data model with built-in mappers.
Integrating Commercial-Off-The-Shelve (COTS) lists from third-party data vendors only requires a user and password to allow the Screena application to download the lists from the vendor's portal. You must purchase a license from the data vendor of your choice to obtain a user and password.
While we don't charge integration costs for working with Commercial-Off-The-Shelve (COTS) lists, the unit rate per transaction will be adjusted based on the volume of records contained on the COTS lists to ensure the same level of performance as with public watchlists.
Please contact our sales team to get a quote.
Last updated
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