
Release date: April 3, 2023.

We are pleased to announce the release of Screena API version 2.1.13, with a number of new features and improvements to enhance your experience with Screena.

New Features

  • Publication and upload dates: Two new audit fields have been added at the dataset level to track:

    1. the latest date of publication of the lists by government authorities or international organizations: dateOfPublication,

    2. the latest date of upload of the lists into Screena datasets: dateOfUpload.

  • Ongoing monitoring endpoint: A dedicated endpoint POST /rest/v2/dataset-search-engine-ongoing has been created to segregate periodic watchlist screening (also known as ongoing monitoring) from one-time watchlist screening. This segregation is based on distinct billing and performance requirements.

  • Record categories field: A new field categories has been added to the set of attributes returned in the response of the endpoint POST rest/v2/dataset-search-engine. This field now provides all categories associated with the dataset where a matching record was found.

🪄 Improvements

  • U.S. address detection: The ability to detect address elements within narrative fields has been improved. This has been achieved by parsing U.S. postal codes that consist of five digits, a hyphen, and four digits (99999-9999), in addition to U.S. postal codes made up of five digits only (99999).

  • Alias parsing: The parsing of aliases in the Consolidated Canadian Autonomous Sanctions List (dataset CANADA) has been improved by considering various alias delimiters (e.g., '/', 'and', 'or').

  • Library content tracking: The segregation of Screena libraries of prefixes, suffixes, synonyms, and countries has been improved to track the core and custom content within these librairies more consistently.

🪛 Bug Fixes

  • Misspelling processing: In certain cases, the rules-based algorithm used by Screena generated an error 400 due to incorrect processing of certain types of misspellings and errors. These included misspellings with inverted, missing, or substituted letters. This issue has now been resolved.

Performance Enhancements

  • Library refresh: The process of refreshing libraries after upload has been improved to ensure the overall system remains stable and consistent even under heavy load.

🌐 Watchlist Coverage

  • Local Brazilian watchlists: Screena's out-of-the-box watchlist coverage has been extended to include 10 new local Brazilian lists.

For more information on Screena's out-of-the-box watchlists, please visit this page:

Which lists are available out of the box?

Thank you for using Screena, and we hope you enjoy the enhancements in this release.

Last updated